Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Insomnia SUCKS!

Of course though if you go to the doctor they ask you:

Are you stressed?
Are you drinking Caffiene right before bed?
Has your diet changed?

Ugh.. no I am not anymore stressed then I have been before. No Pepsi after 7:00 *okay tonight it was 9:00* and no, I freaking eat the same as I always have.

Then they give you meds they think will help. And the side effects are HORRIBLE!

Man, if I get a day job how am I going to function!? Thank goodness my boys are good in the morning and sleep in. You would think I would be tired at 2:57 am Central time, when I got up at 9:00 am! But nooooo, maybe starting to get drowsy.

Insomnia sucks... it's fine if you don't have kids, or a job to go to in the morning. Crap, I am not 20 anymore.

Maybe I should acutally try and go to bed. Think that might help? Maybe, lay in bed, play some Gameboy Advance... Wario World is what I have been playing lately.

I just remembered, tomorrow *actually today* is the first Wed of the month... so guess what is going to wake me up in a few hours. The freaking testing of the siren.

Great... just great....

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